Mittwoch, 19. Oktober 2011

Sony Ericsson forced to close today

This is their last entry, one of my favorites sites concerning Sony Ericssons mobiles:

"It is with great sadness that we have to bring you the news that this will be the last post on this website. Sony Ericsson has filed a formal complaint about the use of the trademarked ‘Xperia’ name in our domain name and have requested that the domain names, including that of, be transferred to them.

Sony Ericsson is alleging that we have used the domain names in “bad faith”. We are stunned and disappointed that Sony Ericsson, a company that we have spent much of our free personal time in promoting, especially the Xperia brand, has decided to take this formal action against us. After all we are just like you, passionate Sony Ericsson users, who have strived to bring the community breaking news and an independent viewpoint.

We do not have the resources to fight Sony Ericsson on this and therefore this is the last you will hear from us. Sony Ericsson has made great strides in its Xperia portfolio, especially in listening to the community. This makes it all the more confusing as to why Sony Ericsson would want to shut us down. We genuinely believe that 2012 could be a bumper year for the company, we just wish we could have been there along for the ride.

All the best.


In the comments user suggested to rename the blog but they decided to wait:

"[...] Won't be trying another domain until this has played out..."

But at least they decided to keep their Twitter account @XperiaBlog. Probably we'll read there how they intend to continue ...

Another solution could be fount in the following blog entry: "Rethinking the Cease and Desist: Don’t Threaten Fan Communities and Groups, License Your Brand to Them".

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